Mama, are you tired of feeling like you have nothing left to pour out, and yet still feel like you’re somehow not giving enough? Do you wish you could stop rehearsing the same patterns from your family that you swore to yourself you would never repeat? Are you sick of spending hours worrying about your kids and being constantly bombarded with all of the “what ifs” that take over your mind? Do you wish you didn’t feel like you just had to survive this season and that you could actually enjoy it? How about waking up excited for the day, feeling confident as a mother, and living out those dreams you abandoned so long ago? In this podcast, you will find tools, wisdom, and encouragement to help you step into the life you were created for! We will dig into healing from your past by re-aligning your identity with Christ, shining a light on depression and anxiety, and ending the cycles of unhealthy family patterns. We will work to help you craft a healthy, joy-filled life by creating healthy habits, diving into boundaries, and discussing practicals to being a godly wife and raising our kids with intention. We will equip you to spread hope into the world by discovering your gifts and passions, resurrecting old dreams, and learning how to take the freedom you have found and bring others in on it! If you’re ready to move from anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, and to step into the abundant wide open life that God is calling you to then I think you have found your spot, Mama. Hi, I’m Brittany, your guide to navigating this journey of healing. I have spent years as a therapist, leader, and coach, helping people move out of the spaces they have been stuck in. I also have walked through my own journey of healing from decades of depression, anxiety, anger, and a deep belief that I am not good enough. I am here because God used a miscarriage to show me I had nothing to fear and that it was time to use all that he has healed in me to spread his message of hope into the world. So mama, grab your coffee and journal so we can unpack what it looks like to live a life you were created for! We are going to get super real, laugh about our quirks, and do the heavy lifting to transform our pain into purpose. If you’re ready to grab hold of your courage, step out in faith, you will discover that your life can become more than you ever dreamed possible. THIS is Morning, Mama! A place for you to throw off all that has been holding you back and run into true freedom. Let’s go!! WEBSITE: http://morningmamapodcast.com ACADEMY: http://morningmamapodcast.com/pain-to-peace-academy COMMUNITY--> https://www.facebook.com/groups/morningmamacollective CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co INSTAGRAM-->instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

3 days ago
3 days ago
What comes to mind when you think of the word family? Maybe it’s those cute family pictures you see on social media, or some awkward family gatherings, or maybe just chaos and yelling? What if I told you that God’s plan for family was actually supposed to be the hub of identity formation and purpose what would you say? Sounds foreign for many of us, but this is exactly what the book “Take Back Your Family” by Jefferson Bethke unpacks- how western individualism has hijacked God’s plan for family and how it’s affecting us all. Today we talk through 6 keys to get started on crafting a healthy family so that you can help your kids know who they are and where they belong.
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Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com

6 days ago
6 days ago
Feeling stuck because your parenting plan doesn’t seem to be working? Or maybe you don’t even know where to start on a plan because there are so many different opinions out there. Wherever you find yourself we can easily look at the world around us and realize quickly that we NEED to do a good job raising our kids because the world is coming for them- so we’d better get this right! Today we talk about gentle parenting’s impact on the next generation and specifically where it’s led to poor boundaries and how this is impacting us and our kids. Let’s dive into what it looks like to have healthy boundaries that will help our kids flourish!
Come say hi and join the Morning Mama Facebook Group! I would love to hear your story and know your name.
Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com

Friday Mar 07, 2025
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Feeling stuck because your parenting plan doesn’t seem to be working? Or maybe you don’t even know where to start on a plan because there are so many different opinions out there. Wherever you find yourself we can easily look at the world around us and realize quickly that we NEED to do a good job raising our kids because the world is coming for them- so we’d better get this right! Today we talk about gentle parenting’s impact on the next generation and what we can learn from it all so we can work to prepare our kids to be thriving adults.
Come say hi and join the Morning Mama Facebook Group! I would love to hear your story and know your name.
Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Feeling stuck because your parenting plan doesn’t seem to be working? Or maybe you don’t even know where to start on a plan because there are so many different opinions out there. Wherever you find yourself we can easily look at the world around us and realize quickly that we NEED to do a good job raising our kids because the world is coming for them- so we’d better get this right! Today we talk about gentle parenting’s impact on the next generation and what we can learn from it all so we can work to prepare our kids to be thriving adults.
Come say hi and join the Morning Mama Facebook Group! I would love to hear your story and know your name.
Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com

Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Do you remember any of your new years resolutions or goals? Have you made any progress on them or have they been long forgotten? Today we take the time to ask these questions together and revisit our plans for the year! Self reflection and goals are essential for our growth so why stop at doing this just in the New Year? Time for a March reset, Mama!
Come say hi and join the Morning Mama Facebook Group! I would love to hear your story and know your name.
Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com

Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Do you run away from pressure? Are you constantly waiting for the moment when something hard is done so you can just be comfortable again? Our culture runs after comfort and even if we realize this is not God’s plan for us these messages seep into how we think. If you have felt resentful or frustrated with the weight that comes with marriages and motherhood then it might just be that his pursuit of comfort has bled into your thinking. Time to throw it off and find comfort amidst the pressures of life by doing it all with God!
Come say hi and join the Morning Mama Facebook Group! I would love to hear your story and know your name.
Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com

Friday Feb 21, 2025
Friday Feb 21, 2025
Do you at times feel like the weight you have to carry as a mom isn’t fair? Do you often find yourself feeling angry and resentful towards your husband for all you have to do as a mom? The reason this is happening is likely because there is a lie of culture at play. The lie is that the self is the most important and our culture is swimming in this. Even when we know that is not how we are supposed to live this lie can sneak into our perspectives in marriage and reek havoc on them. Today it’s time to dismantle this lies and put God back on the throne!
Come say hi and join the Morning Mama Facebook Group! I would love to hear your story and know your name.
Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Are you frustrated because your husband seems stuck and refuses to get help? Do you feel like the only hope to change your marriage is getting him into therapy? There are so many hurting marriages and this is a problem I hear about constantly. Today we bring in a male perspective to help us navigate these challenging conversations when we want to get our spouse to change. I hope this leaves you with encouragement and practicals to grow and heal your marriage.
You can contact Dr. Marquez directly by calling or texting 949-243-4096.
Come say hi and join the Morning Mama Facebook Group! I would love to hear your story and know your name.
Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com

Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
Does your marriage feel like it’s crumbing? Are you sick of feeling resentment and bitterness because there is no longer happiness in your marriage? Marriage is HARD and this season of motherhood doesn’t help. Today we unpack one of the reasons you might be feeling frustration in your marriage and what to do about it. The lie? Marriage is supposed to make us happy. But the truth is that if we look for happiness in our marriage it will only lead to frustration. So what is the purpose of marriage and what do we do about an unhappy marriage? Get ready for some challenging thoughts that aren’t easy but will change your marriage forever.
Come say hi and join the Morning Mama Facebook Group! I would love to hear your story and know your name.
Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com

Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Do you feel like you have lost yourself in motherhood? Does it feel impossible to find time for yourself? I know SO many moms struggle with these feelings so today we are unpacking 10 ways to find time for yourself and find yourself again in the mist of motherhood, however crazy the season might feel. You are first a child of God and are worthy of care for every part of who you are. Time to take it back, mama (while actually increasing your capacity to love your kiddos well!)
Come say hi and join the Morning Mama Facebook Group! I would love to hear your story and know your name.
Come say hi by emailing hello@morningmamapodcast.com