Mama, are you tired of feeling like you have nothing left to pour out, and yet still feel like you’re somehow not giving enough? Do you wish you could stop rehearsing the same patterns from your family that you swore to yourself you would never repeat? Are you sick of spending hours worrying about your kids and being constantly bombarded with all of the “what ifs” that take over your mind? Do you wish you didn’t feel like you just had to survive this season and that you could actually enjoy it? How about waking up excited for the day, feeling confident as a mother, and living out those dreams you abandoned so long ago? In this podcast, you will find tools, wisdom, and encouragement to help you step into the life you were created for! We will dig into healing from your past by re-aligning your identity with Christ, shining a light on depression and anxiety, and ending the cycles of unhealthy family patterns. We will work to help you craft a healthy, joy-filled life by creating healthy habits, diving into boundaries, and discussing practicals to being a godly wife and raising our kids with intention. We will equip you to spread hope into the world by discovering your gifts and passions, resurrecting old dreams, and learning how to take the freedom you have found and bring others in on it! If you’re ready to move from anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, and to step into the abundant wide open life that God is calling you to then I think you have found your spot, Mama. Hi, I’m Brittany, your guide to navigating this journey of healing. I have spent years as a therapist, leader, and coach, helping people move out of the spaces they have been stuck in. I also have walked through my own journey of healing from decades of depression, anxiety, anger, and a deep belief that I am not good enough. I am here because God used a miscarriage to show me I had nothing to fear and that it was time to use all that he has healed in me to spread his message of hope into the world. So mama, grab your coffee and journal so we can unpack what it looks like to live a life you were created for! We are going to get super real, laugh about our quirks, and do the heavy lifting to transform our pain into purpose. If you’re ready to grab hold of your courage, step out in faith, you will discover that your life can become more than you ever dreamed possible. THIS is Morning, Mama! A place for you to throw off all that has been holding you back and run into true freedom. Let’s go!! WEBSITE: http://morningmamapodcast.com ACADEMY: http://morningmamapodcast.com/pain-to-peace-academy COMMUNITY--> https://www.facebook.com/groups/morningmamacollective CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co INSTAGRAM-->instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
275. How to Actually Enjoy Summer with Your Kids as a Mom. Part 2.
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Are you already wondering how you are going to get through the rest of the summer with your kiddos? Do you dread the next day knowing that you are going to be faced with endless fighting, whining, and mess? Summer doesn’t have to be something negative, in fact I believe it can be an enormous blessing that you all look forward to! Today I unpack the 2 mindsets you need in order to have a great summer with your kids!
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Are you already wondering how you are going to get through the rest of the summer with your kiddos? Do you dread the next day knowing that you are going to be faced with endless fighting, whining, and mess? Summer doesn’t have to be something negative, in fact I believe it can be an enormous blessing that you all look forward to! Today I unpack the 2 mindsets you need in order to have a great summer with your kids!
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
When seasons of suffering come, big or small, we are vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. Today we talk about how to get you armored up so you can withstand the attacks and come out stronger for it! Get your sword up Mama, and get ready to fight!
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Wednesday May 29, 2024
272. How to Use the Armor of God to Protect You and Your Family in Hard Seasons. Part 1.
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
When seasons of suffering come, big or small, we are vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. Today we talk about how to get you armored up so you can withstand the attacks and come out stronger for it! Get your sword up Mama, and get ready to fight!
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Friday May 17, 2024
Friday May 17, 2024
I think most of us can relate to the feeling of being out control. Life is crazy and motherhood just increase that craziness to the umpteenth power! When we feel out of control many of us turn to control in order to try and get through this painful feeling. This might look like it works for a time but ultimately it is only creating more pain in our lives! Today we lean into how to finally get go of that control and allow God to do His work in us even when it’s not what we imagined.
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
I think most of us can relate to the feeling of being out control. Life is crazy and motherhood just increase that craziness to the umpteenth power! When we feel out of control many of us turn to control in order to try and get through this painful feeling. This might look like it works for a time but ultimately it is only creating more pain in our lives! Today we lean into how to finally get go of that control and allow God to do His work in us even when it’s not what we imagined.
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
I think most of us can relate to the feeling of being out control. Life is crazy and motherhood just increase that craziness to the umpteenth power! When we feel out of control many of us turn to control in order to try and get through this painful feeling. This might look like it works for a time but ultimately it is only creating more pain in our lives! Today we lean into how to finally get go of that control and allow God to do His work in us even when it’s not what we imagined.
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Friday Apr 12, 2024
268. How Your Need to Control is Creating Suffering in Your Life as a Mom.
Friday Apr 12, 2024
Friday Apr 12, 2024
I think most of us can relate to the feeling of being out control. Life is crazy and motherhood just increase that craziness to the umpteenth power! When we feel out of control many of us turn to control in order to try and get through this painful feeling. This might look like it works for a time but ultimately it is only creating more pain in our lives! Today we lean into how to finally get go of that control and allow God to do His work in us even when it’s not what we imagined.
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
Are you someone that tends to avoid feelings? Maybe it feels overwhelming or maybe you don’t even know where to begin in order to process them. You are definitely not alone in this! Letting ourselves feel hard feelings can be one of the hardest things to do, but it is essential for our healing. Today we dive into 4 steps to let the feelings in and allow yourself to finally let go of them!
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast

Friday Mar 22, 2024
Friday Mar 22, 2024
Are you someone that tends to avoid feelings? Maybe it feels overwhelming or maybe you don’t even know where to begin in order to process them. You are definitely not alone in this! Letting ourselves feel hard feelings can be one of the hardest things to do, but it is essential for our healing. Today we dive into 4 steps to let the feelings in and allow yourself to finally let go of them!
Doors to the Healed Mama Academy are open! Join HERE.
Also, come say hi and share in our Facebook group! I would love to hear your story and know your name! https://bit.ly/MorningMamaFacebookGroup
I am not here to be your therapist, so here is a great place to find one if you realize it's time! https://www.restorationtherapytraining.com/find-a-therapist/
COMMUNITY--> https://bit.ly/morningmamafacebookgroup
ACADEMY--> morningmama.co
CONNECT--> support@morningmama.co
INSTAGRAM--> http://www.instagram.com/morningmamapodcast